게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
원후회 모꼬지 계획( Since M.T is cancelled)
작성자 박희란
날짜 2013.05.14
조회수 1,614

원우회장 박희란입니다.
Since i heard that most of you did not want to go
To Member ship training, I am not sure what to do. So please leave your message

When I planned it  at first, i have thought that 50 percent of
you is going to join. So I planned it first and unfortunately i got a contract
with Hanwool Youth center.

I attached the file .
And also, Please
leave your message here and Email me

My email address is href="mailto:starbak09@hanmail">starbak09@hanmail.
