진한준 사진

진한준 | 대학원 나노바이오의과학과(천) (자연과학2관)

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1997년 단국대학교 천안캠퍼스 생물학과를 졸업하였으며 동대학원에서 동물학(유전학) 전공의 이학석사학위(1999년)와 이학박사학위(2004)를 취득하였다. 박사학위 논문 제목은 “Y-Chromosomal DNA Haplogroup in East Asia and Their Ethnogenomic Information for Inferring The Peopling of Korea.”로써 한국인 집단과 여타 아시아인의 Y-염색체 하플로그룹 변이 분석을 통해 한국인의 기원을 연구하였다. 2008년부터 2009년까지 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute에 근무하면서 '1000 genomes consortium'에 참여하였다. 2009년부터 2011년까지 질병관리본부 국립보건원에서 선임연구원으로 근무하였다. 2011년 9월 단국대학교 나노바이오의과학과에 조교수로 부임하였으며, 현재 생명과학전공에서 교수로 재직중이다. 유전학, 생물진화학을 강의하고 있다.


자신의 미래를 설계하고 준비하는 인재양성


  • [2004] 박사 단국대학교(천안캠퍼스) / 생물학과 / 진화/집단/분자유전학


  • 질병관리본부 유전체센터 (2011-01-01)
  • The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (2008-03-20)


1) 유전적 연관성 연구(Genetic Association study)
- 유전자 다형성과 표현형 사이의 유전적 연관성을 연구
- 연구 중인 표현형: 주의력 결핍 및 과잉행동장애(ADHD), 조산(Preterm-birth), 임신중독(Preeclampsia), 전립선암(Prostate cancer), 운동능력(Physical performance)
2) 집단유전학 연구(Population Genetic study)
- 한국인을 포함한 인류의 기원과 집단 구조를 연구
- 미토콘드리아 DNA, Y 염색체 DNA 그리고 상염색 DNA변이를 분석
3) 법 과학 연구(Forensic Science study)
- 한국인 집단을 대상으로 다양한 마커를 분석
- 개인식별 및 친자확인을 위한 법과학적 통계값 계산
4) 생명정보학 연구(Bioinformatics)
- 집단 분석 및 유전적 연관성 연구에 필요한 통계 프로그램 적용 및 운용

컨설팅 가능 분야

유전체학, 집단/진화유전학, 질병유전학, 생명정보학, 법과학


  • 일반논문[20240220] Genetic association between ADRB2 rs1042713 and elite athletic performances in the Korean population
  • 일반논문[20230927] Lack of association between the VEGFA gene polymorphisms and preterm birth in Korean women
  • 일반논문[20230901] Association between genetic polymorphisms of synaptophysin (SYP) gene and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Korean subjects
  • 일반논문[20230805] The association between Adenosine A2A receptor gene polymorphisms and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20230601] Genetic association study between Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) rs10817999 gene polymorphism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20230101] Lack of association between the Y chromosome haplogroups and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Korean boys
  • 일반논문[20210901] Polymorphisms in the FKBP5 gene are associated with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20210801] Folate metabolizing gene polymorphisms and genetic vulnerability to preterm birth in Korean women
  • 일반논문[20210201] Genomic adaptations to cereal-based diets contribute to mitigate metabolic risk in some human populations of East Asian ancestry
  • 일반논문[20200701] Association between the IL-6, IL-10, and TNF alpha gene polymorphisms and preterm-birth in Korean women
  • 일반논문[20190701] Assessment of associations between mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20190601] Genetic Association of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene I/D Polymorphism with Preterm Birth in Korean Women: Case-Control Study and Meta-Analysis
  • 일반논문[20190301] Association of mitochondrial haplogroup F with physical performance in Korean population
  • 일반논문[20190101] Association of glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 null/present polymorphism with physical performance in the Korean population
  • 일반논문[20181201] Genetic associations between ADHD and dopaminergic genes (DAT1 and DRD4) VNTRs in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20180501] Association of Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) Gene uVNTR and rs6323 Polymorphisms with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Korean Children
  • 일반논문[20171201] Genetic variations of MTHFR gene and their association with preterm birth in Korean women
  • 일반논문[20170901] Association of mitochondrial DNA 10398 A/G polymorphism with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20160701] Population genetic study for 24 STR loci and Y indel (GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification kit and PowerPlex® Fusion system) in 1000 Korean individuals.
  • 일반논문[20160401] Association of glutathione S-transferases M1, T1 and P1 gene polymorphisms with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20160401] Is there a relationship between PPARD T294C/PPARGC1A Gly482Ser variations and physical endurance performance in the Korean population?
  • 일반논문[20160201] Association between glutathione S-transferases M1, T1 and P1 gene polymorphisms and prostate cancer in Koreans
  • 일반논문[20150901] Analyses of the Alu insertion/deletion polymorphisms in the Korean population
  • 일반논문[20150701] Association Between BDNF Gene Polymorphisms and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Korean Children
  • 일반논문[20150601] Meeting report: The biology of genomes and proteomes
  • 일반논문[20150401] Association of LPHN3 rs6551655 A/G polymorphism with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20150101] Phylogenetic analysis of two haploid markers of 500-years-old human remains found in a central region of Korea
  • 일반논문[20140801] Association between monoamine oxidase gene polymorphisms and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 일반논문[20140630] Human genomic regions with exceptionally high levels of population differentiation identified from 911 whole-genome sequence
  • 일반논문[20140613] Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel
  • 일반논문[20131104] Integrative Annotation of Variants from 1092 Humans: Application to Cancer Genomics
  • 일반논문[20131101] Forensic and population genetic analyses of eighteen non-CODIS miniSTR loci in the Korean population
  • 일반논문[20131001] Assessment of association of ACTN3 genetic polymorphism with Korean elite athletic performance
  • 일반논문[20130601] Dissecting the genetic structure of Korean population using genome-wide SNP arrays
  • 일반논문[20121101] An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes
  • 일반논문[20121001] Mitochondrial haplogroup B is negatively associated with elite Korean endurance athlete status
  • 저서/역서[20171026] 생명의 위대한 비밀 : 유전암호를 풀어라
  • 저서/역서[20160801] 인체유전학 : 개념과 응용
  • 지식재산권[20180910] 한국인의 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 진단을 위한 프라이머 세트, 이를 포함하는 진단용 키트, 및 이를 이용한 한국인의 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 위험도 예측 방법(PRIMER SET FOR DIAGNOSING ADHD IN KOREAN, KIT FOR DIAGNOSING COMPRISING THE SAME, AND METHOD OF PREDICTING ADHD RISK IN KOREAN USING THEREOF)
  • 지식재산권[20171011] 종우 판별을 위한 키트 및 종우 판별 방법(A KIT AND THE METHOD FOR DETERMINING SEED BULLS)
  • 학술발표[20201127] Association of Mitochondrial DNA 10398 A/G Polymorphism with Physical Performance in Korean Population
  • 학술발표[20201127] tPA Gene Polymorphisms associated with Pre-term Birth in Korean Women
  • 학술발표[20201127] Association of Preterm Birth with Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) Polymorphism in Korean Women
  • 학술발표[20201127] NOS1 ex1f-VNTR Polymorphisms and its Association with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Korean Children
  • 학술발표[20201127] The Study of Association between Synaptophysin (SYP) Polymorphisms and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • 학술발표[20201127] Association of VEGFR2 rs1870377 with Athletic Performance in Korean Athletes
  • 학술발표[20201127] The Association between ADHD and ADORA2A Gene Polymorphism in Korean Children
  • 학술발표[20191121] Association of ASTN2 rs10817999 and rs12376789 polymorphisms with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Korean children
  • 학술발표[20191121] Association study between Monoamine Oxidase B (MAOB) polymorphisms and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • 학술발표[20181019] Assessment of associations between mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 학술발표[20180905] Lack of Association Between the microRNA gene Polymorphisms (miR-149, miR-196a2, and miR-499) and Preterm Birth in Korean Women
  • 학술발표[20180823] Association between the Polymorphism in Folate Metabolizing Genes and Preterm-birth in Korean Women
  • 학술발표[20180822] Genetic Variations of MTHFR Gene and their Association with Preterm-birth in Kroean Women
  • 학술발표[20180822] Association between Angiotensin-converting Enzyme (ACE) Polymorphism and Preterm Birth: Case-control Study and Meta-analysis
  • 학술발표[20180822] Association between the immune associated Gene Polymorphisms and Preterm-birth in Korean Women
  • 학술발표[20180822] Association of Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) Gene uVNTR and rs6323 Polymorphisms with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Korean Children
  • 학술발표[20171027] Association of Mitochondrial DNA 10398 A/G Polymorphism with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Korean Children
  • 학술발표[20170809] Association of FKBP5 Gene Polymorphisms with Attention deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Korean Children
  • 학술발표[20161110] Association between a variable number tandem repeat polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 학술발표[20160810] Association of LPHN3 rs6551665, rs6858066 and rs2345039 polymorphisms with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Korean children
  • 학술발표[20151205] Association of Glutathione S-Transferases M1, T1 and P1 Polymorphisms with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Korean Children
  • 학술발표[20151204] Analyses of the Alu insertion/deletion polymorphisms in the Korean population
  • 학술발표[20151204] Association between Glutathione S-Transferases M1, T1 and P1 Gene Polymorphisms and Prostate Cancer in Koreans
  • 학술발표[20150812] Association between PPAR Gene Variations and Endurance Athlete Status in Koreans
  • 학술발표[20141016] phylogenetic analysis of two haploid markers of 500-years-old human remains found in the central region of Korea
  • 학술발표[20140812] Lack of association between the PPARGC1A Gly482Ser and MCT1 A1470T polymorphisms and physical performance in the Korean Elite Athletes
  • 학술발표[20130812] Assessment of Association of ACTN3 Genetic Polymorphism with Korean Elite Athletic Performance
  • 학술발표[20120914] Next Generation Sequencing Technology and Its Application in Complete Mitochondrial Genome Analysis
  • 학술발표[20120816] Dissecting the Genetic Structure of Korean Population Using Genome-Wide SNP Array
캠퍼스별 교무팀