게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
2014-1 단국영어몰입프로그램(i EDU) 시행 안내
작성자 응용컴퓨터공학과
날짜 2014.02.20
조회수 58,563

1. 프로그램 개요
 가. 대상 : 재학생 및 졸업자
 ※ 70점이상 (100점 만점) 취득자 중 4학년 2학기 이상 재학생(조기졸업자 제외)에게 공인영어 졸업인증제 Pass 조치함.(학점 불인정)
 나. 인원 : 120명(40명씩 3개 분반)
 다. 교육기간 : 2014. 4. 1(화) ∼ 6. 10(화) / 10주 / 60시간
 라. 수업내용 : 초급에서 중급수준의 영어 말하기, 문법, 읽기, 쓰기 집중 교육
 마. 수업시간 및 담당 교강사 : 외국어교육전담 전임교원 배정

구분 시간 및 수업내용
주간반 화요일 15~19 교시 목요일 15~19 교시
Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing
야간반 화요일 19~21교시 목요일 19~21교시
Reading/Writing Listening/Speaking

 바. 장소 : 인문관 (추후 공지)
 사. 수강료 : 69,000원
 아. 교재 : 추후 공지

2. 신청 및 입금
 가. 기간 : 2014. 3.10(월)∼3.21(금)
 나. 방법 : 홈페이지 웹정보시스템(수업 → 영어몰입교육신청)에서 신청
 ※ 신청 후 수강료 입금(신청자 이름으로 입금) / 입금확인 후 최종접수
   - 신청기간과 입금기간은 동일함.
   - 신청 및 입금한 학생은 신청완료됨.

 다. 수강료 입금 계좌번호 : 우리은행 1006-001-325928 / 단국대학교
 ※ 반드시 수강생 본인의 이름으로 입금하여야 함.
 라. 환불 : 2014. 3.28(금)16:00까지 신청자만  전액 환불예정(이후 환불 불가)
 바. 기타 문의 : 교양영어실 031-8005-2525~7 / 교양교육지원팀 031-8005-2521~3


○ Listening / Speaking
Week Speaking/Pronunciation Listening
1 Vocab: Getting acquainted
Grammar:”be”, poss nouns and adjectives
Speak: Introductions, interviews
Conversations about peoples jobs, names, and nationalities
2 Vocab: Going out
Grammar: Prepositions, when/what/where
Speak: Invitations, give directions
Identify times, events, and places
3 Vocab: Families
Grammar: Simple present, yes/no questions
Speak: Describe family, comparisons
Vocab: Technology
Family descriptions, similarities and differences
4 Vocab: Technology
Grammar: Present continuous
Speak: Suggestions, complaints
5 Vocab: Food
Grammar: Count/non count nouns, articles
Speak: Food selections and diets
Classify foods, predicting
6 Vocab: Sport
Grammar: Frequency adverbs, time expressions
Speak: Daily plans, health surveys
Complete statements, identify habits and exercises
7 Vocab: Clothes
Grammar: Comparatives, object pronouns
Speak: Asking for help, shopping, paying
Store directions, clothing identification
8 Vocab: Vacations
Grammar: Past tense of ‘be’, simple past tense
Speak: Vacation preferences, free time
Identify vacation problems, choosing correct adjectives
9 Vocab: Transport
Grammar: Could/should, ‘be going to’
Speak: Schedules, bookings
Matching conversations with pictures
10 Vocab: Shopping
Grammar: Superlatives, too/enough
Speak: Recommendations, bargaining
Identify products/prices

 ○ Reading and Writing

Week Reading Writing
1 Introduction and course overview
Logic Puzzles
Introduction course overview
2 Readings-Weekend activities/schedule
Vocab-Scheduling appointments
Grammar-Further practice of prepositions
Writing style-recording received information
3 Readings-Comparative passages
Strategy-Skimming is introduced
Grammar-Continued practice of Simple present, Yes/No questions
Writing style- more focus on descriptions
4 Readings-Latest technological trends
Strategy-Further skimming practice and scanning is explained
Grammar-Written practice of the Present Continuous
Writing style- Suggestive writing
5 Readings-Foods from around the world
Strategy-summarizing main ideas
Grammar-Articles are examined in written context.
Count/Non Count nouns
6 Readings-Authentic sports stories
Vocab-Sports related lexicon
Grammar-Productive practice of correct use of time expressions, frequency adverbs
Writing style- Narrative writing is introduced.
7 Readings-Traditional clothing
Strategy-continuing summarizing
Grammar-Writing practice of Comparatives
Comparative writing
8 Readings-True vacation scenarios
Strategy- Making predictions
Grammar-Writing in the Simple Past
Narrative writing- writing a Past Tense story
9 Readings-Shopping adventures
Strategy-General info/Specific info
Grammar-Superlative writing
Write about your most prized possession
10 Putting all strategies together Reinforcement and error correction


교 양 기 초 교 육 원 장