이용걸 | 공과대학 화학공학과 (제3공학관)
이용걸 교수는 인하대학교(학사,1996), 서울대학교(석사,1998), 버지니아공대(박사,2004)에서 화학공학 학위를 취득한 이후, 박사후과정 (버지니아공대,-2005)과 기업연구소(삼성SDI,-2008)에서 각각 정유공정과 수소제조 및 연료전지 분야의 신촉매 연구개발을 수행하였음. 2008년 단국대학교 화학공학과에 부임한 이래 정유/석유화학/정밀화학/전기화학에서 다루는 다양한 화학반응 및 전이금속 화합물 촉매를 주 연구 대상으로 하고 있으며, 촉매의 활성, 선택성 및 수명을 결정하는 주요 인자를 규명하여 기존 촉매의 성능을 개선하고, 나아가 신촉매의 설계 개념을 확립하는 역할을 수행하고 있음. 특별히, 다양한 모델 화합물을 이용한 촉매의 고유반응활성 및 분광학적 도구를 사용한 촉매의 구조적 및 전자적 특성 규명을 통하여 화학반응 메커니즘과 촉매의 물리화학적 특성간 상관관계를 밝히는 데에 중점을 두고 있음
- [1996] 학사 인하대학교 / 화학공학과 / 화학공학
- [1998] 석사 서울대학교 / 화학공학과 / 촉매반응공학
- [2004] 박사 Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ. / 화학공학과 / 촉매반응공학
- Catalysis for Clean Fuel and New Energy Sources
- Characterization of Nano-scaled Materials
- Clean Fuel Technologies in Oil Refinery
- Effective Separation and Use of CO2
- Hydrogen Production for Fuel Cell Power Supplies
- Micro-scaled Reactor Design for Fuel Processing
- Microchannel Reactor for Hydrogen Production and Separation
- Novel Catalysts for Heavy Oil Upgrading
- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
컨설팅 가능 분야
불균일계 촉매기술
- 수소제조 및 연료전지: (SR,WGS,PROX/non-PGM electrode catalysts)
- 정유: Hydroprocessing (HDS,HDN,HCK,HDO)
- 환경: VOC제거, DeNOX
방사광가속기를 이용한 Nano입자 특성분석
- EXAFS/NEXAFS (simulation/measurement)
- 일반논문[20250115] Review on recent development in catalytic cracking of waste polyolefins: Effect of zeolite-based catalysts and reaction parameters
- 일반논문[20241115] Partial upgrading of heavy oils by catalytic aquathermal visbreaking with dispersed iron oxide catalysts
- 일반논문[20241105] Exploring the Morphological Effect of Zeolite Beta on Catalytic Cracking of Polyethylene
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- 일반논문[20210505] Resolving Potential-Dependent Degradation of Electrodeposited Ni(OH)(2) Catalysts in Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER): In Situ XANES Studies
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- 일반논문[20201001] Beneficial roles of carbon black additives in slurry phase hydrocracking of vacuum residue
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- 일반논문[20191201] Promotional effect of Co on unsupported MoS2 catalysts for slurry phase hydrocracking of vacuum residue: X-ray absorption fine structure studies
- 일반논문[20190825] Selective hydrotreating and hydrocracking of FCC light cycle oil into high-value light aromatic hydrocarbons
- 일반논문[20190805] Promotional effect of Ga for Ni2P catalyst on hydrodesulfurization of 4,6-DMDBT
- 일반논문[20190301] Designing Supported NiMoS2 Catalysts for Hydrocracking of Vacuum Residue
- 일반논문[20190225] Comparison of Unsupported WS2 and MoS2 Catalysts for Slurry Phase Hydrocracking of Vacuum Residue
- 일반논문[20190101] Active Phase of Dispersed MoS2 Catalysts for Slurry Phase Hydrocracking of Vacuum Residue
- 일반논문[20180801] Structure and activity of dispersed Co, Ni, or Mo sulfides for slurry phase hydrocracking of vacuum residue
- 일반논문[20180615] Promoting asphaltene conversion by tetralin for hydrocracking of petroleum pitch
- 일반논문[20180315] Strong metal-support interaction effect of Pt/Nb2O5 catalysts on aqueous phase hydrodeoxygenation of 1,6-hexanediol
- 일반논문[20180301] A New Approach to Deep Desulfurization of Light Cycle Oil over Ni2P Catalysts: Combined Selective Oxidation and Hydrotreating
- 일반논문[20171125] Sulfur resistant nature of Ni2P catalyst in deep hydrodesulfurization
- 일반논문[20170815] Anomalous in situ Activation of Carbon-Supported Ni2P Nanoparticles for Oxygen Evolving Electrocatalysis in Alkaline Media
- 일반논문[20170701] Morphology effect of beta-zeolite supports for Ni2P catalysts on the hydrocracking of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to benzene, toluene, and xylene
- 일반논문[20170531] Effects of the asphaltene structure and the tetralin/heptane solvent ratio on the size and shape of asphaltene aggregates
- 일반논문[20170401] Beneficial roles of H-donors as diluent and H-shuttle for asphaltenes in catalytic upgrading of vacuum residue
- 일반논문[20170301] Effects of dispersed MoS2 catalysts and reaction conditions on slurry phase hydrocracking of vacuum residue
- 일반논문[20161201] Vapor Phase Deoxygenation of Heptanoic Acid over Silica-Supported Palladium and Palladium-Tin Catalysts
- 일반논문[20161001] Rationalization of Electrocatalysis of Nickel Phosphide Nanowires for Efficient Hydrogen Production
- 일반논문[20160201] Understanding Conversion Mechanism of NiO Anodic Materials for Li-ion Battery using In situ X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure Spectroscopy
- 일반논문[20150601] The nature of active sites of Ni2P electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
- 일반논문[20150401] Support Effects of Ni2P Catalysts on the Hydrodeoxygenation of Guaiacol: In Situ XAFS Studies
- 일반논문[20150115] Conversion Mechanisms of Cobalt Oxide Anode for Li-ion Battery: In situ X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Studies
- 일반논문[20140505] Dispersion Effects of Ni2P Catalysts on Hydrotreating of Light Cycle Oil
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- 일반논문[20131125] Thermodynamic analysis of steam and aqueous reforming of hydroxylated C6 aliphatic compounds
- 일반논문[20131001] Beneficial effects of polycyclic aromatics on oxidative desulfurization of light cycle oil over phosphotungstic acid (PTA) catalyst
- 일반논문[20131001] Effects of Co Loadings on NaCo/ZnO Catalysts for Ethanol Steam Reforming: XAFS Studies
- 일반논문[20120701] Active Phase of a Pd-Cu/ZSM-5 Catalyst for Benzene Hydroxylation: In-situ XAFS Studies
- 일반논문[20110801] EXAFS Studies on the Formation of MoS2 Nanoparticles
- 일반논문[20110215] Formation mechanisms of Ni2P nanocrystals using XANES and EXAFS spectroscopy
- 일반논문[20110210] A new synthesis of highly active Ni2P/Al2O3 catalyst by liquid phase phosphidation for deep hydrodesulfurization
- 일반논문[20100901] XAFS studies on highly dispersed Ni2P/SiO2 catalysts for hydrodesulfurization of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene
- 일반논문[20100615] Effects of a Phosphorus Precursor on Structure and Activity of Ni2P/SiO2 Hydrotreating Catalysts: EXAFS Studies
- 일반논문[20100601] TPR and EXAFS Studies on Na-Promoted Co/ZnO Catalysts for Ethanol Steam Reforming
- 일반논문[20100601] The active phase of NaCo/ZnO catalyst for ethanol steam reforming: EXAFS and in situ XANES studies
- 일반논문[20100501] Nickel Phosphide Catalysts Supported on SBA-15 for Hydrodesulfurization of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene
- 일반논문[20100228] Hydrogen production from ethanol over Co/ZnO catalyst in a multi-layered reformer
- 일반논문[20090515] Transition metal phosphide hydroprocessing catalysts: A review
- 일반논문[20090401] 수소제조를 위한 DME 수증기 개질반응의 열역학적 특성
- 일반논문[20090401] 에틸렌글리콜의 수증기 개질반응을 이용한 수소제조에 대한 열역학적 평형 및 효율 분석
- 일반논문[20081015] 35-We Polymer electrolyte membrane Fuel Cell System for Notebook PC using a Compact Fuel Processor
- 일반논문[20080910] The active site of nickel phosphide catalysts for the hydrodesulfurization of 4,6-DMDBT