임상 교실 |
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구강내과학교실 Department of Oral Medicine |
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구강악안면외과학교실 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
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소아치과학교실 Department of Pediatric Dentistry |
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영상치의학교실 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology |
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예방치과학교실 Department of Preventive Dentistry |
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치과교정학교실 Department of Orthodontics |
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치과마취학교실 Department of Dental Anesthesiology |
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치과보존학교실 Department of Conservative Dentistry |
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치과보철학교실 Department of Biomaterials Science |
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치주과학교실 Department of Periodontology |
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통합치의학교실 Department of Advanced General Dentistry |