손창만 사진

손창만 | 공과대학 전자전기공학부 (미디어센터)

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서강대학교 전자공학과를 졸업하였고, University of Virginia에서 석사학위를, Georgia Institute of Technology에서 박사학위를 취득하였다. LG산전연구소에서 자동 원격검침 개발에 참여하였고, 한국과학재단 후원으로 원자력발전소의 공정 제어카드 개발에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 주요 연구분야는 지능제어시스템, 기계지능화, (이동)로봇공학, 전문가시스템, 시스템자동화, 지능생산시스템, 및 센서공학 등이며, 이들과 관련된 과목들을 강의하고 있다.


  • [1984] 학사 서강대학교 / 전자공학
  • [1988] 석사 University of Virginia / 제어공학
  • [1997] 박사 Georgia Institute of Technology / / 지능제어



컨설팅 가능 분야

지능제어시스템, 기계지능화, 최적화시스템, (이동)로봇공학, 전문가시스템, 지능생산시스템, 센서시스템.


  • 일반논문[20220401] Experiential and stochastic learning algorithms based on the probability of a fuzzy event and modified fuzzy metric distance in intelligent robotic part micro-assembly
  • 일반논문[20191001] Comparison of assembly-jam learning algorithms with fuzzy entropy measure for intelligent robot's par micro-assembly
  • 일반논문[20190501] Correlation between stability and energy variations in control strategies for mobile base robot with manipulators subjected to external disturbances
  • 일반논문[20170401] Correlations among three performance indices with decision about training parameters based on energy variation in a robot's part micro-assembly methodologies
  • 일반논문[20160510] Intelligent rule-based sequence planning algorithm with fuzzy optimization for robot manipulation tasks in partially dynamic environments
  • 일반논문[20140120] Intelligent jamming region division with machine learning and fuzzy optimization for control of robot’s part micro-manipulative task
  • 일반논문[20130301] Similarity measuring strategy of image patterns based on fuzzy entropy and energy variations in intelligent robot's manipulative task
  • 일반논문[20110901] Intelligent robotic path finding methodologies with fuzzy/crisp entropies and learning
  • 일반논문[20101001] Comparison of optimal path planning algorithms for intelligent control of robotic part assembly task
  • 일반논문[20070201] Correlation between learning (probability of success) and fuzzy entropy in control of intelligent robot's part macro-assembly tasks with sensor fusion techniques
  • 일반논문[20061201] Systematic strategy for choosing optimal membership function and fuzzy rulebase based on fuzzy entropy for intelligent control of robotic part assembly tasks
  • 일반논문[20060901] Intelligent control planning strategies for mobile base robotic part macro and micro-assembly tasks
  • 일반논문[20060401] Comparison of optimal motion planning algorithms for intelligent control of robotic part micro-assembly task
  • 일반논문[20060201] Comparison of intelligent control planning algorithms for robots part micro-assembly task
  • 일반논문[20041201] Stability analysis and motion planning strategies with fuzzy coordinator and learning for mobile base robotic part macro/micro-assembly tasks
  • 일반논문[20041201] Intelligent control planning strategies with neural network/fuzzy coordinator and sensor fusion for robotic part macro/micro-assembly tasks in a partially unknown environment
  • 일반논문[20031030] Robust compensator strategy accounting for composite dynamics of mobile base robotic systems
  • 일반논문[20020918] Optimal control planning strategies with fuzzy entropy and sensor fusion for robotic part assembly tasks
  • 일반논문[20010827] Parameter adaptive compensator scheme for robotic manipulator systems(로봇머니플레이터를 위한 파라미터 적응보상기법)
  • 일반논문[20010601] A neural/fuzzy optimal process model for robotic part assembly
  • 일반논문[20010225] A hierarchical control scheme for mobile manipulators(이동 미니플레이터들을 위한 계층제어안)
  • 일반논문[20000825] A combining technique of incomplete sensor data with a fuzzy logic theory(퍼지논리이론에 근거한 불완전한 센서데이터의 결합방법론)
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