게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
Students association M. T
작성자 박희란
날짜 2013.04.20
조회수 1,490

안녕하세요 원우회장입니다 .

According to students' survery results( more than 50%,
wanted to Join MT) , students' association  is going to
 have a MT on 5,25 and 5,26.( In WHA SUNG, 한울 청소년 수련원) for rapport and

We  are in the planning stage of  the
If you have any opinions and ideas about
M.T , please tell us.
We are going to do our
efforts for taking your opinions for M.T.
Also , any details and
inquiry  should be asked and feel free to say your opinions.

please leave your opinion  in 자유게시판 . 


박희란 올림.