게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
2013년 테솔 대학원 개강파티 알림
작성자 박희란
날짜 2013.03.04
조회수 1,628
단국의 명물 1357(신관).jpg

We are going to have a Start of Semester Party to welcome new students
and allow for everyone to get to know each other.

It would be great if you can join us .

1. Date : Saturday, March 9th.

2. Time : 6 pm  to  around 10 pm

3. Place: 1357 쭈꾸미 ,   용인시 수지구 죽전동 1325-7번지

phone number: 031- 898-3130


Please contact me if y ou have any questions about the party by email or