게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
For System programming,
작성자 모바일시스템공학과 유시환
날짜 2021.08.27
조회수 343

Dear MSE students, 

2021-fall Systems programming course will allow some more students; 

The class is for second-year students, and it is the core course that all the students have to take.

The number of second year students is 38, and the available seats in the original classroom was 32.

Normally, the class size is about 32~35 in previous years.

The increased number hope to be temporal problem in this year; 

if the problem continues for upcoming years, I will consider some other solutions.

I've checked that there are some exceptional cases, such that non-second year students are trying to take it.

I am trying my best to fit all students in the class year; but I cannot always guarantee that.

Thus, please find the correct/recommended-year courses in the curriculum, 

particularly if it is the core course (전공필수).

Thanks for consideration, and hope your fruitful 2021-fall semester!
