호명진 | 약학대학 약학과 (약학관)
- [2015] 학사 단국대학교 / 약학과
- [2021] 석사 단국대학교 / 약학과
- [2021] 박사 단국대학교 / 약학과
- 종근당 (2021-09-01)
- 장기지속형 주사제형 설계 연구 (약물결정, 입자, In-situ forming 등)
- 액상제형 (경구액제, 점안제, 주사제 등)설계 연구
- 피부 투과 및 피부 전달 개선 연구
- 일반논문[20240815] Carboxymethyl cellulose-based rotigotine nanocrystals-loaded hydrogel for increased transdermal delivery with alleviated skin irritation
- 일반논문[20240701] Tricaprylin-based drug crystalline suspension for intramuscular long-acting delivery of entecavir with alleviated local inflammation
- 일반논문[20240125] Design of High-Payload Ascorbyl Palmitate Nanosuspensions for Enhanced Skin Delivery
- 일반논문[20240112] Novel bioequivalent oral disintegrating tablet of aripiprazole prepared by direct compression technique with shortened disintegration time
- 일반논문[20230614] Novel Bioequivalent Tablet of Solifenacin Succinate Prepared Using Direct Compression Technique for Improved Chemical Stability
- 일반논문[20230321] Exploration of lipidic prodrug-loaded oil depot system for intramuscular prolonged delivery of entecavir
- 일반논문[20230313] Neutral Oil-Incorporated Liposomal Nanocarrier for Increased Skin Delivery of Ascorbic Acid
- 일반논문[20230113] Design of Novel Tricaprylin-Incorporated Multi-Layered Liposomal System for Skin Delivery of Ascorbic Acid with Improved Chemical Stability
- 일반논문[20221128] Effect of Dispersion Medium on Pharmacokinetic Profile of Rotigotine Crystalline Suspension following Subcutaneous Injection
- 일반논문[20220825] Design of Montelukast Nanocrystalline Suspension for Parenteral Prolonged Delivery
- 일반논문[20211211] Effect of particle size on in vivo performances of long-acting injectable drug suspension