게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
[산업연구] 29권-1
작성자 정해윤
날짜 2011.11.24
조회수 376

[산업연구] 29권-1

1. 관계 지향적 교환 상황에서 스포츠 서비스 품질 요소들의 역할
The Roles of Recreational Sport Service Quality in Relational Exchange
김 갑(Gap Kim)

In the relationship marketing literature, trust and commitment are regarded as the most prevalent and important constructs in relational exchange. These constructs are global evaluations that are believed to summarize consumers' knowledge and experiences with a particular product or firm and guide subsequent actions of the consumer. However, underlying basis for these global evaluations is industry specific. Managers are frequently interested in knowing which components of underlying basis are the key drivers of these global evaluations.
It is hypothesized that program quality, interaction quality, outcome quality, and physical environment quality of recreational sport service are related to trust and commitment, and in turn these constructs cause repurchase intention. The study results showed that program quality, interaction quality, and physical environment quality were positively related to trust. For commitment, program quality and interaction quality played the hypothesized role respectively. The relationships among trust, commitment and repurchase intention worked as hypothesized and overall fit of the model to the data were good. However, outcome quality for trust and commitment, and physical environment quality for commitment were not significant in the hypotheses testing

2. 금융기관의 Youth 계층 대응에 관한 사례연구
Case Studies on Financial Institutions’ Youth Marketing
김흥규(Heung-Kyu Kim)

 In this paper, youth marketing activities carried out by overseas advanced financial institutions are introduced. Youth marketing reaches children, teens, and young adults. These young people populate the financial markets of the future, while having increasing financial interests today. They also have an influence on their parents financial products and services purchases. Therefore, financial institutions need to engage in youth marketing if they want to create brand loyalty and long-term success for not only these demographic but also current customers. Planning and implementing successful youth marketing activities, just like in any other marketing activities, requires a systematic approach, preceded by careful market segmentation and target market selection

3. 계량서지학적 방법에 의한 서비스경영 연구동향 분석
A Bibliometric Analysis of Service Management Research Trends in Korea
민윤경(Yoon-Kyung Min)

 This study analyses the research trends of service management in Korea by bibliometric analysis of Journal of the Korea Service Management Society. 112 research papers published from 2000 to August 2005 in this journal are analysed by author, research subject and service industry.
Research papers written by co-authors(75%) are much more than by single authors(25%). So the rate of collaborations is high in comparison with other disciplines.
Subject analysis shows that the service quarlity(33%), customer satisfaction/consumer's behavior analysis(13%) and employee's job satisfaction(12%) are the major research subject area.
By the analysis of service industry, hotel(27%), restaurants(13%) and financial business(11%) are mostly researched.

심경섭(Kyung-Seop Shim)

약외부성, 구조적 불변 그리고 강외부성에 관해서는 Engle, Hendry, 그리고 Richard 정리는 일반화 되어져 있다. 수용가능한 정책적인 간섭와 관련이 적은 매개변수들을 관련이 깊은 매개변수로 나타내는 것을 약외부성, 구조적불변 그리고 강외부성으로서 결정되어지는 것으로 정의되어진다. 일반화된 정의는 Leamer의 견해에 있어서 정의되어지고 있고 외부성으로 이용되어지고 있다는 것을 본 논문의 분석을 통해서 설명하고 있다.