<![CDATA[Working Paper]]> <![CDATA[[17-005] The Effect of Sweet Taste Metaphor Optimistic Thinking]]> <![CDATA[[17-004] The Impact of Grants and Loans on Economic Growth in Asian Countries]]> <![CDATA[[17-003] 유통산업에서 증강현실(AR)과 가상현실(VR)의 흐름과 확산에 관한 연구]]> <![CDATA[[17-002] Price Spillover Effects across Natural gas, Oil and stock]]> <![CDATA[[17-001] May Monertary Policy Affect to Long Run Expectation of Non-Stationary Real Interest Rate?]]> <![CDATA[[16-004] 금융포용을 통한 금융회사의 차별화 전략]]> <![CDATA[[16-003] Old or young Exploring the Effect of a Time Horizon Perspective on Persuasion]]> <![CDATA[[16-002] 서비스경영분야의 계량서지학적 분석]]> <![CDATA[[16-001] Servicization and Its Policy Implications in a Small Open Economy]]> <![CDATA[[11-001] RIFI Working Paper]]>