게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
Dankookians Awarded in the KASE Summer Conference (1)
작성자 과학교육과 김소평
날짜 2021.10.05
조회수 479

Dankookians (Students of Dankook University) in Dept. of Science Education were awarded Best Oral Presentation Award in the 80th KASE (Korean Association for Science Education) Summer Conference with students in Macquarie University and Tashkent State Pedagogical University. The Dankook Herald covered the KASE Summer Conference and the awarded paper entitled ‘Development of STEAM education program for prospective science teachers through online international exchanges: International exchange of pre-service teachers between South Korea, Australia and Uzbekistan.’ The project grew out of an Australia-Korea Foundation (AKF) funded research project led by Primary Chief Investigators Dr. Hye-eun Chu of Macquarie University, Australia and Chief Investigator Professor Yeon-A Son of Dankook University, South Korea.

▲ The Certificate of Merit of the Best Oral Presentation Award in the 80th KASE Summer Conference. (Directly Provided Photo)

The KASE Summer Conference is to achieve the exchange with foreign pre-service science teachers, the understanding of foreign science education field, and the development of expertise of science education targeted at students with multi-cultural backgrounds through the improvement of pre-service science teachers’ abilities as world citizens. Ten prospective science teachers from three countries, South Korea, Australia, and Uzbekistan, discussed, created ideas, conducted small group research, shared STEAM education by country, developed new teaching and learning courses and teaching materials based on collective intelligence, and developed practical school field application.  The Dankookians finally developed the 9th STEAM education program by reflecting the educational situation of the three countries and complementing their limitations. This program is a ‘carbon-neutral school VR model production program’ for early adolescents with flexible values, including practical elements that attract students' participation and interest while providing sustainable development education.

출처 : written by the Dankook Herald
