◾Methods in TESOL

   This course will introduce fundamental concepts and principles of the language teaching approaches that have been influential in the 20th century. Students will be asked to prepare demonstrations of several of the prominent approaches and methods and to show in their presentations how the principles and techniques central to these methods might be adapted to support language teaching in various situations. This course will involve lectures, assigned readings and discussions. Students will be required to critique and discuss many of the issues raised by the readings, and to relate them to current practices in the field of language teaching.

◾TESOL Practicum

   This practicum is designed to enable you to apply teaching principles and techniques to classroom practice. In this course you will teach real EFL students in the Dankook Community English Program (CEP). You will work cooperatively in teaching teams of 3-4 TESOL Master's students and will be responsible for conducting 90 minute classes for ten weeks (beginning Saturday March 21st). Your teaching will be observed and you will receive specific feedback from your professor about your teaching. You will also observe fellow CEP teachers, be observed by them, and give and receive feedback. Each week there will also be a 45 minute seminar where we willall share activity ideas, discuss our CEP experiences and help each other become more effective teachers. This course is demanding in terms of lesson planning and class preparation time but is highly rewarding for those students who really want to become more experienced, skilled and confident teachers.



Teaching in Multimedia

Nowadays, in the global educational setting, we are surrounded by a plethora of multimedia tools such as the Internet, Television, DVD, Blue Ray, etc. But the problem lies within implementing these new tools. This course will have two objectives: One is to become more familiar with the multimedia class. The other is to improve the listening skills and paraphrasing skills needed in an academic environment. There will be a heavy emphasis on listening using movies or news.

◾Teaching Vocabulary & Grammar

 In this course we will investigate current literature about teaching of vocabulary and grammar. While these two topics are in many ways complementary, in this course we will be looking at them individually. Therefore, in the first part of the semester we will focus on aspects of describing, acquiring, and teaching vocabulary. Our discussions will be informed by the work of Paul Nation, Francine Melka, Nick Ellis, Norbert Schmitt, Anita Sokmen, and Felicity O'Dell. We will cover themes such as the role of context, receptive and productive aspects of vocabulary, learning strategies, vocabulary testing, and current trends in teaching vocabulary.

◾Teaching Listening , Speaking, and Pronunciation

    This course explores the connection between teaching speaking, listening, and pronunciation in the English language classroom at a variety of levels.  It examines specific areas including student motivation, speaking, listening and pronunciation activities, and communicative interactive language lessons.  Students will have the opportunity to develop and teach using their own communicative speaking and listening activities.  The course is designed primarily as a practical hands-on class with a variety of activities utilized. 


◾Grammar and Rhetoric

This course considers grammar, rhetoric and discourse as they relate to the TESOL professional.  Students will be offered opportunities to explore and consider grammar and rhetoric usage and their influences. The course is designed to provide an enhanced understanding of grammar and rhetoric and the ways they can be utilized both within the classroom and within ones’ own writing. 


◾Reflective Teaching Practicum

    The purpose of a teaching practicum is to help you become a more experienced and confident teacher.  As a student teacher in the Dankook Community English Program (CEP) while becoming a more reflective teacher, all will have many opportunities to experiment with different ways of teaching and working with your students in a supportive and safe teaching environment.  All should feel safe to experiment with new ways of teaching and learning.  From this experience, it is hoped that you will reflect critically in the attempt to develop a deeper understanding of teaching and become a better teacher.


◾ Critical Pedagogies

     TESOL practitioners and researchers are increasingly focusing on the implications and consequences of the spread of English. It is becoming clear that 21st century TESOL faces important questions of how to develop effective, responsible, and ethical teaching practices. This course seeks to engage with these trends in our field by exploring the potential of critical approaches to English education in Korea.
  Critical pedagogy is an approach to teaching and learning that assumes all educational processes to be political in nature. English education in Korea is certainly no exception. We will take a broad approach to critical pedagogy and explore numerous social and educational theories which conceptualize the political nature of education in a variety of ways. The course seeks to evoke questions of ideology, hegemony, and power with the ultimate goal of helping each of us develop teaching practices that confront such questions.
  While there will be extensive theoretical discussion, the course objectives are practical in nature. The course will challenge participants to develop and implement lesson plans, reflect on teaching practices, critique teaching materials, and connect practical experiences in English education to larger political and social themes. Classroom discussions, readings, and assignments will be designed to support critical inquiry and the development of critical practices.


◾ World English

    This course focuses on the ways the English language has been impacted by modern globalizationon the English language itself and the ways the language is viewed, learned and taught in worldwide contexts. In this course, we will focus on what we teach and how we teach it and the impact of global perspectives of English as an international language. We will consider the local variety of English as well as global varieties of English and validate them, while questioning what Standard English is and what the value of it is. The course will look at an overview of World Englishes, with an emphasis on East Asian Englishes and particularly in the Korean context. A goal of the course is to determine in what way WE speaking learners and their educators alike will best be able to succeed in the multilingual society and classrooms of today.



◾ Children's Literature

    In this course we will study fiction and non-fiction literature intended for children. We will analyze various aspects of the literature, including some elements of structure, patterns, genre, social stereotyping and social roles of different texts and writers. Strategies for maximizing the use of children' literature in the EFL classroom will also be discussed. Participants in this class will read and interact with a variety of different types of children' literature. Students will be responsible for presenting information on texts selected from Newbery Medal winners, juvenile picture series and picture books. This course will be conducted in seminar/workshop format and sometimes lecture format as well. 


◾ Language and Identity

    This course will explore current debates in language education that address the social construction of language and identity. Students will investigate the way language constructs and is constructed by a wide variety of social relationships, through investigating academic theories and narratives. Students will explore how gendered/raced/linguistic identities are negotiated within social relationships, and reflect on their own identities through personal narratives, and how these relate to their experiences with language and education.

◾ English Language Teching

    This course is designed to overview English language teaching, specifically to focus on ways current issues and trends in the field of TESOL and English language teaching can be integrated into current teaching contexts. Content will focus on integrating teaching of the four major skills and practical considerations as well as local contextual considerations to maximize second language teaching Students will be expected to integrate demonstrate how to implement theoretical issues into classroom practices.


◾ Material design & Curriculum Deveopment

    This course consists of a workshop presentation on materal design, curriculum development, specification, and assessment in the engineering classroom.

l a rationale for developing materials evaluation skills; types and models of evaluation

l external and internal evaluation criteria; evaluation of published material; coursebooks and

supplementary material

l the role of learning materials: issues in course and task design: process and product

l a materials design model; teachers as writers: setting objectives; values and attitudes in

materials: the hidden curriculum

l the role of published materials in curriculum development, etc.


◾ Second Language Acquisition

    This class will be looking at various issues in second language research. Considering the breadth and complexity of the subject as well as the limited class time, we will focus on two fundamental issues: 1) the essence of second language acquisition research and 2) its relevancy to second language teaching. Major learning theories will be examined and their implications for second language teaching explored. There are two main goals for this class: 1) achieving a basic understanding of major theoretical accounts of L2 learning processes, and 2) enriching our perspective on second language teaching.


◾ Second Language Assessment

    This course will introduce you to the fundamental principles of second and foreign language assessment. It is both theoretical and practical in nature. This course will cover test design, construction, scoring, analysis and reporting.Assessment is the cornerstone of instructional planning for English language learners. This course aims at providing teachers of English language learners with approaches for using authentic assessment and for applying the results of assessment to improve their instruction.


Teaching English to Young Learners

    This course explores the characteristics of young learners and their influence on the content, process and product of teaching English as a second or foreign language. Instruction focuses on developing child-centered activities. Areas covered also include theories of cognitive development and how they relate to child learning and classroom practice; the relationship between various ELT methodologies and the practice of teaching English to younger learners; course design, materials design and adaptation, lesson planning and classroom management for teaching English to younger learners.


◾ Colloquium

    In this class, you are going to have a series of seminars to develop basic academic skills that you need to acquire throughout the semester. This class will be an effective class for graduate students who have just started the TESOL program, who want to develop general academic skills, and who are not familiar with basic academic writing and reading strategies for their graduate courses. Basically, this will be a survival academic literacy class for students. More specifically, the following topics will be included in this course: step by step approaches to finding appropriate journal articles for your research topic, interpreting data using different frameworks, practicing coming up with your own position/perspective on a topic, writing annotated bibliographies, understanding components in empirical articles, reading strategies for academic journal articles, using quotations and referencing in APA writing style. Other topics may be covered depending on student requirements and interest.


◾ Introduction to TESOL Research


    The purpose of this course is to help students develop skills in reading and responding to academic articles in TESOL. It will focus on a variety of skills that will be useful for students as they proceed through the TESOL program including: 1) reading academic articles in TESOL; 2) writing summaries of articles; 3) critically responding to articles in writing; 4) discussing articles; and 5) understanding specialized TESOL vocabulary. The course is intended to develop both reading and writing skills, while also providing background to the field of TESOL that will be useful in other courses and in developing future research projects.


◾ Academic Writing

The general approach in this course is analytical and rhetorical: students will be asked to apply their analytical skills to the discourse of their discipline and to explore how effective academic writing is achieved. The tasks and activities will be varied, ranging from small-scale language points to issues of how graduate students can best “position” themselves as junior researchers.The first part of this course will present an overview of the considerations involved in successful academic writing, with a deliberate stress on early exposure to the concept of positioning. We will then examine two overarching patterns in English expository prose: the movement from general to specific and the movement from problem to solution. Discussions of how to handle data, how to write summaries and critiques will follow. Finally, we will deal with constructing a real research paper, that is, one that makes an original contribution to knowledge.