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가능한 시간을 내시어 참석하여, 선생님들의 현장수업에 도움이 되시길 바랍니다.
- 연사: Dr. Elsi Kaiser (USC)
- 주제: Facts vs. opinions: Psycholinguistic experiments on perspective-taking in language
- 일시: 2024년 1월 12일 (금) 오후 12:00-13:30
- Zoom link: https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/85328528873?pwd=jl9mEGnoc0zVBDwPMJFsW5Bol4CGzo.1
회의 ID: 853 2852 8873
암호: iLhffKvC3A
The information that we encounter on a daily basis involves both objective facts about the world and people’s subjective opinions. This distinction is also reflected in language: Words that express opinions (e.g. fun, amazing) differ from words conveying more objective facts (e.g. wooden, Californian): Subjective adjectives are perspective-sensitive and reflect someone’s opinion/attitude, vs. objective adjectives express factual information. Because language has many information-structural options and provides us with multiple packaging options for expressing the same basic information (e.g. adjectives can be in attributive position ‘the amazing orchestra’ or predicative position ‘the orchestra was amazing’), subjective and objective information can be expressed in various ways. In this talk, I present a series of psycholinguistic experiments from my lab, using different methods, showing that our ability to perceive the distinction between ‘opinion’ and ‘fact’ is less clear than one might expect, and is sensitive to multiple sources of information. Our results show that simply changing the syntactic structure of a sentence influences our perception of the sentence’s subjectivity, and that varying levels of social consensus also play a role. In addition, using visual-world eye-tracking, I provide novel evidence showing that concepts from reference resolution – in particular, the idea that certain linguistic expressions (such as pronouns and reflexives) can trigger retrieval of previously-mentioned referents – can be extended to the domain of subjective adjectives. This research also has methodological implications, as it explores the use of webcam-based eye-tracking for remote data collection over the internet.