김한솔 | 공과대학 전자전기공학부 (제2공학관)
한양대학교 전자컴퓨터공학부에서 2011년 2월에 학사학위를 받은 후, 2011년 3월부터 2018년 2월까지 연세대학교 전기전자공학과에서 연구하여 석사 및 박사 학위를 받았다. 2018년 3월부터 2019년 2월까지 삼성전자 무선사업부에서 근무하였고, 2019년 3월부터 2023년 2월까지 한국해양대학교 인공지능공학부에서 근무하였다. 2023년 3월부터 단국대학교 전자전기공학부에서 근무하고 있으며, 주된 연구 분야는 퍼지 제어의 이론 연구와 자율주행과 무인항공기의 제어 응용이다.
- [2018] 박사 연세대학교 / 전기전자공학과
- 삼성전자 (2018-03-01)
- 국립한국해양대학교 (2019-03-01)
- 일반논문[20241120] T–S Fuzzy Observer-based Output Feedback Lateral Control of UGVs Using a Disturbance Observer
- 일반논문[20241101] Enabling Distributed Control of Vehicle Platooning via Over-the-Air Consensus
- 일반논문[20240701] Design of a Robust Controller for Vehicle Path Tracking Based on T-S Fuzzy Observer by Considering Model Uncertainty
- 일반논문[20240213] Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Model-Based Sampled-Data Control of an AUV Depth System with Input Saturation
- 일반논문[20231201] Improving the Performance of DPT-based Monocular Depth Estimation Models Using Bidirectional LSTMs Initialized With CLS Tokens
- 일반논문[20231101] A Linear Matrix Inequality-based Relaxed Time-delay Platooning Controller Design for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles
- 일반논문[20230501] Disturbance observer-based nonfragile fuzzy tracking control of a spacecraft
- 일반논문[20230501] T‒S Fuzzy-model-based Robust Controller Design of a Morphing Quadrotor by Considering Input Saturation
- 일반논문[20230101] An Intelligent Digital Redesign Approach to the Sampled-Data Fuzzy Observer Design
- 일반논문[20221101] PPO-based Model Reference Tracking Control for a Quadrotor UAV
- 일반논문[20220927] Decentralized Sampled-Data Fuzzy Tracking Control for a Quadrotor UAV with Communication Delay
- 일반논문[20220901] Decentralized sampled-data H?, fuzzy filtering with exponential time-varying gains for nonlinear interconnected systems
- 일반논문[20220601] T-S fuzzy sliding mode control for double-fed induction generator-based wind energy system with a membership function-dependent H-infinity-approach
- 일반논문[20220601] Depth Control of AUV via T-S Fuzzy-model-based Memory Sampled-Data Control
- 일반논문[20220101] Sampled-data Fuzzy State Regulator Design for a Quadrotor Under the State Quantization Consideration
- 일반논문[20211201] Development of a faster r-cnn-based marine debris detection model for an embedded system
- 일반논문[20211101] Development of a three-dimensional indoor position estimation algorithm for a drone using stereo vision and YOLOv3
- 일반논문[20210904] Fault-tolerant load frequency control for DFIG-based interconnected wind power systems
- 일반논문[20210609] Sampled-data fuzzy observer design for nonlinear systems with a nonlinear output equation under measurement quantization
- 일반논문[20210401] 쿼드로터 자세 모델의 T-S 퍼지 모델 기반 추종 제어기 설계
- 일반논문[20210322] Asynchronous Control for Discrete-Time Hidden Markov Jump Power Systems
- 일반논문[20210201] Decentralized sampled-data fuzzy controller design for a VTOL UAV
- 일반논문[20210201] T-S fuzzy model-based fault tolerant tracking controller design of a quadrotor: A fuzzy lyapunov functional approach
- 일반논문[20201201] Interval type-2 fuzzy-model-based fault-tolerant sliding mode tracking control of a quadrotor UAV under actuator saturation
- 일반논문[20200622] Extended Disturbance Observer-Based Integral Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear System via T-S Fuzzy Model
- 일반논문[20200406] Design of a Fault Tolerant Sampled-Data Fuzzy Observer With Exponential Time-Varying Gains
- 일반논문[20191101] Finite-time synchronization of sampled-data T-S fuzzy complex dynamical networks subject to average dwell-time approach
- 일반논문[20191101] Sampled-data Fuzzy Observer Design for State Estimation of Uncertain Systems under Imperfect Premise Matching
- 일반논문[20190901] Fault tolerant sliding mode chaotic synchronization controller design for an interval type-2 fuzzy system
- 일반논문[20190816] Sampled-data H-infinity Fuzzy Observer Design Under Time-varying Sampling Rates and its Applications to the Attitude and Heading Reference System
- 일반논문[20190701] Sampled-data fault tolerant controller design for a T-S fuzzy system
- 일반논문[20190129] Fuzzy-model-based sampled-data chaotic synchronisation under the input constraints consideration
- 일반논문[20181108] An Enhanced Map-Matching Algorithm for Real-Time Position Accuracy Improvement with a Low-Cost GPS Receiver
- 일반논문[20181101] A Line-integral Fuzzy Lyapunov Functional Approach to Sampled-data Tracking Control of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems
- 일반논문[20180601] Design of a fuzzy integral sliding mode tracking controller for T-S fuzzy systems
- 일반논문[20180302] Sampled-data Control of Fuzzy Systems Based on the Intelligent Digital Redesign Technique: An Input-delay Approach
- 일반논문[20180223] 상호결합 카오스 시스템의 분산 퍼지 동기화
- 일반논문[20180201] A Fuzzy Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional Approach to Sampled-Data Output-Feedback Stabilization of Polynomial Fuzzy Systems
- 일반논문[20180102] Sampled-data control of fuzzy systems based on the intelligent digital redesign method via an improved fuzzy Lyapunov functional approach
- 일반논문[20171101] Sampled-data Fuzzy Observer Design for an Attitude and Heading Reference System and Its Experimental Validation
- 일반논문[20170801] A Systematic Approach to Fuzzy-model-based Robust H-infinity Control Design for a Quadrotor UAV Under Imperfect Premise Matching
- 일반논문[20170706] Decentralized Sampled-Data Tracking Control of Large-Scale Fuzzy Systems: An Exact Discretization Approach
- 일반논문[20170602] Input-delay approach to sampled-data H-infinity control of polynomial systems based on a sum-of-square analysis
- 일반논문[20170101] Sampled-data fuzzy tracking control of nonlinear control systems
- 일반논문[20161025] Less Conservative Robust Stabilization Conditions for the Uncertain Polynomial Fuzzy System under Perfect and Imperfect Premise Matching
- 일반논문[20160829] Relaxed stability conditions for the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy system using a polynomial non-quadratic Lyapunov function
- 일반논문[20160328] Robust H
∞ disturbance attenuation control of continuous-time polynomial fuzzy systems - 일반논문[20160303] Low-end GPS position accuracy enhancement method by using map information
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