게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
대학원장님과의 간담회
작성자 박희란
날짜 2013.04.20
조회수 1,338
원우회장  박희란입니다.

First of all, I really appreciate all of you for
participating in survey.
It was very valuable and priceless.

We have
talked with the president of our program , Dr. Kim.
He has been eager to
listen to your voices, ideas and thoughts.
Also he has
promised  that any inconveniences and difficulties you face will be
taken consideration and changed in some time.

Also your opinions for
better 원우회 will be cherished and we will do our effort  for your enjoyable
life in Dankool Tesol Program.

I want to thank you to the leader of 
our program. Dr. Kim.
He has been his efforts for our curriculam changes and
lives in Dankook.

I really appreciate again to  all of

감사합니다 and Thank
원우회 박희란, 박영미 올림^^