박정은 | 공공·보건과학대학 치위생학과
- 전화번호 :041-550-1494
- 이메일 :
- 직급:강의전담조교수
- [2016] 석사 경희대학교 / 치의학과 / 예방사회치과학
- [2016] 박사 경희대학교 / 치의학과 / 예방사회치과학
- 구강질환 예방을 위한 생활양식 관련 연구
- 타액 및 세치제의 성분 분리 및 정량분석(HPLC)
- 일반논문[20231231] The Relationship between Quality of Life, Periodontitis and Oral Pain in Korean Adults
- 일반논문[20230930] 한국 성인의 식량 불안정과 치주염의 관련성(국민건강영양조사 제7기 2016-2018자료 활용)
- 일반논문[20230301] 머신러닝 기반 의사결정 나무를 활용한 성인의 잔존 치아 수 요인 분석
- 일반논문[20230201] A Study on the Relationship between Food Security and the Number of Remaining Teeth in Korean Adults: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VII), 2016–2018
- 일반논문[20220601] The Relationship Between Periodontal Disease and Nutrient Intake in Korean Adults: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VII) from 2016–2018
- 일반논문[20220401] 한국 성인의 단백질 섭취량과 식생활의 질이 치주질환에 미치는 영향
- 일반논문[20220301] Correlation between Stress and Anxiety to Viral Epidemics (SAVE) and Burnout among Korean Dental Hygienists during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
- 일반논문[20220301] Association between Healthy Lifestyle (Diet Quality, Physical Activity, Normal Body Weight) and Periodontal Diseases in Korean Adults
- 일반논문[20220101] Factors Influencing Protective Behaviors for Dental Radiation Exposure among Female Korean Dental Hygienists Using Health Belief Model
- 일반논문[20211101] Effect of Oral Health Education Using a Mobile App (OHEMA) on the Oral Health and Swallowing-Related Quality of Life in Community-Based Integrated Care of the Elderly: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- 일반논문[20211001] Effect of dietary quality on periodontal diseases in Korean adults: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016-2018)
- 일반논문[20200901] 국내 중ㆍ고등학교 보건교과서의 구강보건 내용 분석
- 일반논문[20200901] 커뮤니티케어 기반의 방문노인구강관리 중재 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구
- 일반논문[20200701] Keyword trends for mother–child oral health in korea based on social media big data from naver
- 일반논문[20200701] Investigation of the Awareness of Parents of Korean Adolescent Students about Oral Health Education and Prevention at School
- 일반논문[20200401] Analysis of the oral health unit of elementary school health textbooks
- 일반논문[20191201] Prevalence of Periodontopathogens Using Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction in Adolescents
- 일반논문[20190601] Changes in Saliva Composition before and after Use of Mouthwash Containing Green Tea Extract
- 일반논문[20190301] Gingivitis Reduction Effects by Using Dentifrice Containing Green Tea Extract, Sodium Monofluorophosphate, and Calcium Carbonate
- 일반논문[20190301] Association between Oral Care Habits and Periodontal Diseases using the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013-2015) among Patients Older than 65 Years Diabets