김미숙 | 과학기술대학 식품영양학과 (자연과학2관)
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2004년 한국과학재단 (현 한국연구재단) 장학생으로 미국 Louisiana State University (루이지애나주립대학교)에 입학하였다. 목질계 바이오매스에서 항진균 활성을 보유한 신규 올리고당을 효소적으로 합성하는 연구로 박사 학위를 취득하였다. 그후 동대학 농과대학에서 박사후연구원으로서 목질계 바이오매스로부터 신재생에너지 개발에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 2009년 7월부터 동대학 교수로 재직하였으며, 2011년 3월에 단국대학교 교수로 부임하여 근무하고 있다.
주요연구 및 관심분야는 발효식품에서 프로바이오틱 등 유용 미생물 자원 발굴 및 활용, 기능성 평가, 효소 및 미생물을 이용한 식품소재 및 고부가가치 식품 개발, 식품 유해 미생물 증식 억제에 관한 연구이다.
■ 수상
2022.10. 신송 식품과학상, 신송기술산업발전재단과 한국식품영양과학회 공동
2021.12. 종자•생명 산업 발전 유공 표창, 농림축산식품부장관상
2016.11. 학술진보상, 한국식품영양과학회
2010.12. TiptonTeam Research Award(우수연구자상), LSU AgCenter
끊임없는 질문을 통한 진리를 함께 찾아가는 여정
- [2001] 학사 단국대학교 / 식품영양
- [2003] 석사 단국대학교 / 식품영양학과
- [2008] 박사 Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural and Mechanical College / 식품과학과 / 산업미생물
효소 및 미생물 이용한 생물전환기술
발효식품에서 유용 미생물 발굴
프로바이오틱과 건강기능성 식품
식품 안전성
식품미생물 및 발효식품
신재생에너지(바이오에탄올 및 부탄올) 생산
컨설팅 가능 분야
발효식품의 품질 개선과 가치 향상
당전이기술을 이용한 식품 및 바이오소재 개발
식품 미생물 유래 식품 및 바이오소재 개발
농산업 폐자원의 고부가가치 자원화
바이오에탄올 및 부탄올 생산
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- 일반논문[20230728] The Effect of Fermented Momordica charantia with Leuconostoc mesenteroides MKSR on Metabolic Complications Induced by High-Fat High-Cholesterol Diet in C57BL/6 Mice
- 일반논문[20230609] Characterization of Odor-Active Compounds from Gryllus bimaculatus Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Olfactometry
- 일반논문[20230529] Enhancement of Bioactive Properties in Momordica charantia by Leuconostoc Fermentation
- 일반논문[20230301] Physicochemical Characteristics and Sensory Attributes of Yanggaeng Treated with Corni fructus Powder: A Pilot Study
- 일반논문[20221201] In vitro evaluation of antidiabetic, antidementia, and antioxidant activity of Artemisia capillaris fermented by Leuconostoc spp
- 일반논문[20220701] Optimization of Fermentation Conditions of Artemisia capillaris for Enhanced Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase
- 일반논문[20211001] Enhanced protein quality and antioxidant activity of fermented Brown rice with Gryllus bimaculatus
- 일반논문[20210501] Isolation and Characterization of Probiotic Bacillus subtilis MKHJ 1-1 Possessing L-Asparaginase Activity
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- 일반논문[20210201] Antidiabetic, Anticholesterol, and Antioxidant Activity of Gryllus bimaculatus Fermented by Bacillus and Lactobacillus Strains
- 일반논문[20200901] Predictive Growth Modeling of Listeria monocytogenes in Rice Balls and Its Risk Assessment
- 일반논문[20191201] Leuconostoc mesenteroides MKSR isolated from kimchi possesses α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, antioxidant activity, and cholesterol-lowering effects
- 일반논문[20191101] Lactobacillus plantarum MKHA15와 Leuconostoc mesenteroides MKSR을 첨가한 발효 채소 주스의 특성
- 일반논문[20190701] Purification and characterization of thermostable L-asparaginase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MKSE in Korean soybean paste
- 일반논문[20190701] Quality characteristics of sponge cakes prepared from different varieties of potatoes available in Korea
- 일반논문[20190228] 소스 종류를 달리한 햄 주먹밥에서의 Staphylococcus aureus 성장예측모델 개발 및 위해평가
- 일반논문[20190120] Effects of Bacillus subtilis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides on the Quality Characteristics of Potato Garaetteok
- 일반논문[20181231] Quality characteristics and functionality of yogurt added with momordica charantia L
- 일반논문[20181102] 라이소자임 활성을 보유한 Lactobacillus rhamnosus 배양물의 병원성 미생물에 대한 항균 효과
- 일반논문[20181030] Effect of microwave vacuum drying on the quality characteristics of garlic and chili pepper powder
- 일반논문[20180801] Comparison of Quality Characteristics of Jeungpyeon Fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Leuconostoc mesenteroides by Potato Addition
- 일반논문[20180301] Effect of Yeast Fermentation of Green Coffee Beans on Antioxidant Activity and Consumer Acceptability
- 일반논문[20180301] Dextran-conjugated lysozymes inhibit the growth of shigella sonnei and viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus
- 일반논문[20171201] Structural and rheological properties of potato starch affected by degree of substitution by octenyl succinic anhydride
- 일반논문[20171201] Effect of capsaicin on the threshold of sweet, sour, salty, and umami tastes
- 일반논문[20171101] Inhibitory activities of digestive enzymes and antioxidant activities of fermented beverages using Momordica charantia L
- 일반논문[20170901] Physicochemical and textural properties of noodles prepared from different potato varieties
- 일반논문[20170801] Physicochemical, structural, pasting, and rheological properties of potato starch isolated from different cultivars
- 일반논문[20170801] 알코올 함량에 따른 구기자 막걸리의 소비자 기호도 및 묘사 특성
- 일반논문[20170601] Probiotic characteristics of Bacillus strains isolated from Korean traditional soy sauce
- 일반논문[20170601] Physicochemical, Structural, and Rheological Properties of New Domestic Potato Cultivars
- 일반논문[20170601] Rheological, pasting, thermal and retrogradation properties of octenyl succinic anhydride modified potato starch
- 일반논문[20170601] Comparison of reduced acrylamide formation in chips fermented with different cultivar potatoes by Bacillus subtilis
- 일반논문[20170501] Mammea longifolia Planch. and Triana Fruit Extract Induces Cell Death in the Human Colon Cancer Cell Line, SW480, via Mitochondria-Related Apoptosis and Activation of p53
- 일반논문[20161201] Synergistic Antilisterial Effects of Mixtures of Lysozyme and Organic Acids
- 일반논문[20161001] Rheological properties of cross-linked potato starch
- 일반논문[20160701] Antioxidant Activity of Marine Algal Polyphenolic Compounds: A Mechanistic Approach
- 일반논문[20160310] Developing water-extracted cacao-coffee beverage: effects of temperature and time on cacao roasting and the beverage acceptability
- 일반논문[20160301] Bacillus sp. 발효를 이용한 감자 칩의 아크릴아마이드 저감화
- 일반논문[20160229] Antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content of coffee extracted by three extraction methods
- 일반논문[20160226] Physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics of soy sauce fermented in different regional ceramics
- 일반논문[20160131] 발효온도가 사과와인 품질 특성에 미치는 영향
- 일반논문[20151201] Quality Characteristics and Quantification of Acetaldehyde and Methanol in Apple Wine Fermentation by Various Pre-Treatments of Mash
- 일반논문[20151130] 국내산 시판 닭 가슴살의 품질 특성
- 일반논문[20151109] Influence of rice varieties on sensory profile and consumer acceptance for frozen-cooked rice
- 일반논문[20151001] Effectiveness of palate cleansers on various alcoholic beverages
- 일반논문[20151001] Influence of yeast strains on the physicochemical characteristics, methanol and acetaldehyde profiles and volatile compounds for Korean rice distilled spirit
- 일반논문[20151001] Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition and nitric oxide (NO)-mediated antihypertensive effect of octaphlorethol A isolated from Ishige sinicola
- 일반논문[20150930] 감자가루 분산액의 유변학적 및 페이스팅 특성 분석
- 일반논문[20150626] 지역별 옹기에서 발효된 한국 전통간장의 항산화 활성
- 일반논문[20150601] Physicochemical Properties and Determination of Key Instrumental Quality Measurement Parameters of Frozen‐Cooked Rice by Correlating Consumer Acceptance
- 일반논문[20150601] SumizymeTM을 이용한 쌀 증류주의 누룩취 저감화
- 일반논문[20150531] 단백질가수분해효소를 첨가한 스펀지케이크의 품질 특성
- 일반논문[20150524] Effects of Corn, Potato, and Tapioca Starches on the Quality of Gluten-free Rice Bread
- 일반논문[20150501] Different or similar? Acceptability of aseptic-packaged cooked rice among consumers, researchers and experts
- 일반논문[20150430] 오디(Morus bombycis) 추출물 침지 커피의 품질 특성
- 일반논문[20150301] Identification of key sensory attributes for consumer acceptance and instrumental quality of aseptic-packaged cooked rice
- 일반논문[20150201] Long-term change in consumer acceptance for salt-reduced ‘udon noodle soup' over repeated intake at home
- 일반논문[20141003] The ingredients in Saengshik, a formulated health food, inhibited the activity of a-amylase and a-glucosidase as anti-diabetic function
- 일반논문[20141001] Production of rubusoside from stevioside by using a thermostable lactase from Thermus thermophilus and solubility enhancement of liquiritin and teniposide
- 일반논문[20131201] 증류 및 여과 방법을 달리한 증류식소주의 품질 특성
- 일반논문[20131201] 전통누룩과 개량누룩을 이용한 상황버섯 첨가 전통 발효 증류주의 이화학적 특성
- 일반논문[20131101] Enhancement of the Enzymatic Digestibility and Ethanol Production from Sugarcane Bagasse by Moderate Temperature-Dilute Ammonia Treatment
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- 일반논문[20130701] Ethanol production potential of sweet sorghum assessed using forage fiber analysis procedures
- 일반논문[20130101] Phlorotannin-rich Ecklonia cava reduces the production of beta-amyloid by modulating alpha- and gamma-secretase expression and activity
- 일반논문[20130101] The influence of flavonoid compounds on the in vitro inhibition study of a human fibroblast collagenase catalytic domain expressed in E. coli
- 일반논문[20130101] Anti-inflammatory effect of fucoidan extracted from Ecklonia cava in zebrafish model
- 일반논문[20121231] Improvement of andropause symptoms by dandelion and rooibos extract complex CRS-10 in aging male
- 일반논문[20121201] Comparison of neuroprotective effects of five major lipophilic diterpenoids from Danshen extract against experimentally induced transient cerebral ischemic damage
- 일반논문[20121101] Planting date and harvest maturity impact on biofuel feedstock productivity and quality of sweet sorghum grown under temperate Louisiana conditions
- 일반논문[20121031] Purification and characterization of lysozyme from Filipino venus, Ruditapes philippinarum
- 일반논문[20121024] Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the production of conjugated fatty acids and trans fatty acids by Bifidobacterium breve LMC520
- 일반논문[20120901] Agronomic Considerations for Sweet Sorghum Biofuel Production in the South-Central USA
- 일반논문[20120831] Bioactive compounds extracted from Gamtae (Ecklonia cava) by using enzymatic hydrolysis, a potent a-glucosidase and a-amylase inhibitor, alleviates postprandial hyperglycemia in diabetic mice
- 일반논문[20120831] Utilization of whole sweet sorghum containing juice, leaves, and bagasse for bio-ethanol production
- 일반논문[20120831] Bioactive compounds extracted from Ecklonia cava by using enzymatic hydrolysis protects high glucose-induced damage in INS-1 pancreatic B-cells
- 일반논문[20120715] Neuroprotective effect of fucoidin on lipopolysaccharide accelerated cerebral ischemic injury through inhibition of cytokine expression and neutrophil infiltration
- 일반논문[20110701] Composition of sugar cane, energy cane, and sweet sorghum Suitable for Ethanol Production at Louisiana Sugar Mills
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- 일반논문[20101101] Use of Cellulase Inhibitors to Produce Cellobiose
- 일반논문[20101101] Butanol production from sugarcane juices
- 일반논문[20101101] Potential Physiological Functions of Acceptor Products of Dextransucrase with Cellobiose as an Inhibitor of Mutansucrase and Fungal Cell Synthase
- 일반논문[20100501] Compositional Changes in Sugarcane Bagasse on Low Temperature, Long-term Diluted Ammonia Treatment
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- 저서/역서[20170821] 식품미생물학 실험실습 cookbook
- 저서/역서[20150301] 식품화학 길라잡이
- 지식재산권[20170915] 한국 전통 간장에서 분리된 신규 바실러스 균주 및 이를 함유하는 프로바이오틱스(Novel Bacillus sp. Isolated from Korean Traditional Soy Sauce and Probiotics Containing Thereof)
- 지식재산권[20170906] 열안정성이 향상된 아스파라기나아제를 생산하는 신균주 바실러스 메틸로트로피쿠스 MKSY2013 균주 및 이의 제조방법(Novel Bacillus methylotrophicus MKSY2013 producing enhanced thermostable asparaginase and its producing method)
- 지식재산권[20170822] 아크릴아마이드가 저감된 전분질 가공 식품의 제조방법(Method for manufacturing of reduced-acrylamide starchy processed foods)
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- 학술발표[20161102] Effects of Denatured Lysozymes against Pathogenic Bacteria and Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus
- 학술발표[20161102] Reduction of Acrylamide Formation in Potato Chips by Bacillus subtilis Fermentation
- 학술발표[20160818] Comparison of Selected Dextran-producing Lactic Acid Bacteria on Quality and Shelf Life of Loaf Bread
- 학술발표[20160818] Enhanced Lysozyme Activity and Antimicrobial Spectrum of Heated and
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- 학술발표[20150604] Screening of Bacillus spp. with Potential Probiotic Properties Isolated from Korean Traditional Soy Sauce
- 학술발표[20150604] Effects of Fermentation on Color and the Acrylamide Formation of Potato Chips
- 학술발표[20140826] Prediction of sensory crispness of potato chips using a reference-calibration method
- 학술발표[20140826] The effect of a position in evaluation of overall liking questions in acceptance tests
- 학술발표[20140819] Chemical, sensory, and antioxidant characteristics of Ganjang fermented in Onggi, Korean ethnic earthenware
- 학술발표[20130830] Inhibition of a-glucosidase activity by cellobio-oligosaccharides
- 학술발표[20130830] Antioxidant capacity and angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory activity of Makgeolli lees hydrolysates
- 학술발표[20130829] Antioxidant activity of Acer tegmentosum extracts with protective effects against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in HepG2 cell
- 학술발표[20130829] Comparison of a free sorting task for the identification of drivers of consumer liking for pressed hams to a check-all-that-apply question
- 학술발표[20130828] Comparison of fermentative properties of Makgeolli by various yeasts
- 학술발표[20130828] Antioxidant activity of Rumex crispus L. fractions and their inhibitory effect against H2O2 oxidative strees induced cell damage
- 학술발표[20130703] Evaluation of Makgeolli lees for nutritional and functional potential
- 학술발표[20121102] Antioxidant Activities of the Ingredients in Saengshik
- 학술발표[20121102] Antioxidant Activities of Glycine max (L.) Merr. hull
- 학술발표[20121101] Quality Characterization of Glucomannan Added Rice Pan Bread
- 학술발표[20121101] Quality Characterization of Brocoli Powder Added Rice Pan Bread
- 학술발표[20121101] Quality Characterization of Rice Bread added with Collagen
- 학술발표[20121101] Physiochemical and Sensory Properties of Makgeolli with the Addition of Hongcho
- 학술발표[20121101] Identifying Drivers of Liking for Makgeolli with the Addition of Different Hongcho
- 학술발표[20121101] Influence of Light Wavelength on Fatty Acid Compositions of Chlorella vulgaris
- 학술발표[20120920] Production of cellulosic ethanol from sugarcane treated with dilute ammonia at moderate temperature
- 학술발표[20120919] Anti-diabetic activity of cereals and pulses ingredients in Saengshik
- 학술발표[20120919] Anti-diabetic activity of vegetable ingredients in Saengshik
- 학술발표[20120615] Physicochemical and sensory properties of commercial Makgeolli
- 학술발표[20120615] Fermentative properties of Makgeolli with the addition of cultivated wild ginseng
- 학술발표[20120615] Fermentative properties of Makgeolli with the addition of Schizandra chinensis
- 학술발표[20120614] Effects of corn starch, potato starch and tapioca starch on the quality of gluten-free rice bread
- 학술발표[20111102] Microbiological, Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Korean Glutinous Rice Wine, Makgeoli
- 학술발표[20111102] Antioxidant activity of peptides derived from sesame oil meal proteins by enzymatic hydrolysis
- 학술발표[20111102] Production of enzymatic hydrolysates with antioxidant activity from rice protein
- 학술발표[20111102] Antioxidant activities of walnut husk water and ethanol extract
- 학술발표[20111102] Inhibitory effects of seaweed extracts on a-glucosidase and a-amylase activities, and the metabolic regulation on glycolysis in HepG2 cells
- 학술발표[20111102] Inhibitory effect of seaweed ethanol extracts on glucose uptake in human caco-2 cells