게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
[산업연구] 23권(2)
작성자 정해윤
날짜 2012.02.20
조회수 458
[산업연구] 23권 (2)

6. 기업지배구조 평가모형에 대한 비교 연구
A Comparative Study of Corporate Governance Structure Evaluating Models
이호선(Ho-Sun Lee), 홍정기(Jeong-Gi Hong)

7. 기업도산예측모형에 관한 실증연구
An Empirical Study on the Bankruptcy Prediction model
임석필(Suk-Pil Lim), 이현철(Hyun-Chul Lee)

8. Strategies for Reduction of Channel Conflict Caused by Direct Marketing in
   Electronic Commerce
권순범(Suhn-Beom Kwon)

9. Globalization and Income Distribution -The Experiences of the Transition
   마재신(Jai-Sheen Mah)

10. A Study on Measuring Success and Failure in the Global Economy
심경섭(Kyung-Seop Shim)